
Blog Posts TaggedSmart Contract

AI Saves the World: The Rise of PropertyGPT in Smart Contract Security

Discover how PropertyGPT are revolutionizing smart contract verification, fortifying blockchain ecosystems for a resilient future.

MetaTrust Labs
3 months ago

Uniswap V4 Mainnet Preview - Part 2: Chapter of Hooks

This is the Hooks chapter of the Uniswap V4 series, which analyses Hooks contracts from the perspectives of their implementation principles and interaction flow.

Daniel Tan
3 months ago

Analyzing the Centralization Risks of TipCoin ($TIP)

The owner of $TIP is an EOA address holding 65% of tokens, here are some centralization risks you should care.

MetaTrust Labs
8 months ago

Earning.Farm Lost $536,000 Due to Logic Flaw in Smart Contract "Withdraw" Function

Earning.Farm fell victim to smart contract logic vulnerability, suffering loss of approximately 288 ETH.

Daniel Tan
10 months ago

Curve Cracked: How $52M Vanished in a Vyper Vulnerability

The reentrancy attack on Curve Finance serves as a regrettable security incident and a thought-provoking lesson.

MetaTrust Labs
10 months ago

Security Analysis Report: Centralization Risk in iziFinance Smart Contract

In this analysis, we will examine one of the core contracts of iZiFinance and identify a simple way to reduce gas consumption by eliminating a redundant expression.

MetaTrust Labs
10 months ago

How a Fake Token Attack Drained $144,000 from Biswap Users on BSC

Attacker exploited a vulnerability in the Biswap V3Migrator contract on BSC and stole about $144,000 worth of tokens

Daniel Tan
11 months ago

Is token trading still secure? Centralization Risks in OnchainTrade Smart Contract

We've checked Onchain Trade's smart contract and found out there are potential vulnerabilities and centralization risks on token staking, rewarding and trading.

MetaTrust Labs
11 months ago

Unraveling the $UN Attack: A Flash Loan Exploits Flaw in Token Contract

$UN on BSC was attacked by the flash loan with a loss of $26,000

Daniel Tan
11 months ago

Comparison and Evaluation of Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools for Java

We evaluate and compare seven free or open-source Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools for Java. The post highlights the importance of SAST tools in detecting security vulnerabilities in software development and provides insights into improving the detection capabilities of these tools.

MetaTrust Labs
about 1 year ago