
Blog Posts TaggedAI Security

AI Saves the World: The Rise of PropertyGPT in Smart Contract Security

Discover how PropertyGPT are revolutionizing smart contract verification, fortifying blockchain ecosystems for a resilient future.

MetaTrust Labs
3 months ago

AI Saves the World: AegisAI Transforms Web3 Security Through AI-Powered Bug Detection

AegisAI stands as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against cybersecurity threats.

MetaTrust Labs
3 months ago

Uniswap V4 Mainnet Preview - Part 1: Uniswap V4 Overview

MetaTrust Labs has launched a series of articles on Uniswap V4 to explain Uniswap V4 features, contract implementation, potential security risks, and other topics for readers.

Daniel Tan
4 months ago

Security Prover——MetaTrust's Breakthrough in Automated Smart Contract Fairness Verification

MetaTrust, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the AI+Crypto market, has made significant strides in the field of automated verification for smart contract fairness.

MetaTrust Labs
4 months ago

AI Repair: Enhancing Software Engineering with Specialized Code Abilities Extracted from Large Language Models

MetaTrust, has conducted a research study on extracting specialized code abilities from large language models (LLMs) through imitation attacks.

MetaTrust Labs
4 months ago

The Rise of North Korean Cybercrime: How to Secure Your Web3 Development

It should be noted that security threats and preventive recommendations should be evaluated and customized according to the actual situation and the latest security intelligence.

MetaTrust Labs
5 months ago

Enhancing Web3 Dapp Security: A Deep Dive into MetaTrust Prover's Advanced Verification

Dive into next-level Solidity verification – source-code focused, automated brilliance. Your key to fortified and reliable smart contracts.

MetaTrust Labs
5 months ago

Analyzing the Centralization Risks of TipCoin ($TIP)

The owner of $TIP is an EOA address holding 65% of tokens, here are some centralization risks you should care.

MetaTrust Labs
8 months ago

Earning.Farm Lost $536,000 Due to Logic Flaw in Smart Contract "Withdraw" Function

Earning.Farm fell victim to smart contract logic vulnerability, suffering loss of approximately 288 ETH.

Daniel Tan
10 months ago

Curve Cracked: How $52M Vanished in a Vyper Vulnerability

The reentrancy attack on Curve Finance serves as a regrettable security incident and a thought-provoking lesson.

MetaTrust Labs
10 months ago