
MetaScan Version 1.4 Launches with AI Integration, Paving the Way for Enhanced Security Insights

3 Minutes Read

MetaTrust Labs

MetaTrust Labs


MetaScan version 1.4.0 releases a host of new features and improvements. It now leverages cutting-edge AI technology to offer users an extensive range of security insights. MetaScan is designed to automatically identify potential vulnerabilities in the smart contract code before any harm is done. The integration of AI further enhances the this ability by offering contextual description of the vulnerabilities, detailed remediations and even PoC code snippets.

We are thrilled to announce the release of MetaScan version 1.4.0, which brings a host of new features and improvements to our users.


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This latest version of our security analysis platform leverages cutting-edge AI technology to offer users an extensive range of security insights. MetaScan is designed to automatically identify potential vulnerabilities in the smart contract code before any harm is done. The integration of AI further enhances the this ability by offering contextual description of the vulnerabilities, detailed remediations and even PoC code snippets.

Feature Highlights

AI Suggestion Offers Contextual Insight for Security Vulnerabilities

The new AI Suggestion feature is an exciting addition to our platform. This feature provides users with AI-generated insights to help them understand the vulnerabilities present in their code. By contextualizing the vulnerability within the code, the AI-generated information recommends remediations and provides code examples, including “Prove of Concept” code snippets showing potential exploitations of the vulnerabilities.

AI Suggestion features offers contextual description and remediation for the detected vulnerability

AI Suggestion features offers contextual description and remediation for the detected vulnerability

This innovation is just the beginning of our AI integration to enhance our automated security analysis of smart contracts. We are thrilled by the potential of AI and excited to explore the technology’s innovative applications within our platform, ultimately providing our users with even greater value.

Engine Optimization for Security Prover

The underlying engine of Security Prover has been enhanced for stability. More importantly, we have added the automatic contract scanning capability that eliminates the need for manual test functions when scanning smart contracts using built-in rules. The system will automatically generate transactions for contracts, and detect vulnerabilities using the symbolic execution process.

Code Quality Analyzer Detects Coding Convention Issues

We have introduced a brand new scan engine, the Code Quality Analyzer in this release, which detects issues related to coding style and conventions. We know that improving code quality not only makes code easier to work with, but it also improves security. With this new feature, our users can address any existing code issues and create better security practices for the future.

Support for Importing Repositories from GitLab

With this latest upgrade, our platform has extended its capabilities for users to import repositories from GitLab while creating projects, providing new ways for users to get started with their security analysis. The integration process of GitLab is similar to that of GitHub, permitting a hassle-free and straightforward experience. Additionally, our team has ensured enhanced performance when loading and selecting repositories from both GitHub and GitLab accounts.

Redesigned Project Summary Panel

We have redesigned the summary panel so that it provides an overview of the scan results in three distinct categories: vulnerability, code quality, and code duplication. The panel reflects the issues detected in each category and has been designed for ease of use. With a concise summary and well-defined categories, users can quickly find the information they need to understand the results of each scan.

Redesigned project summary panel provides an overview of a project’s vulnerabilities, code duplication and code quality

Redesigned project summary panel provides an overview of a project’s vulnerabilities, code duplication and code quality

At MetaScan, we believe that the security of the Web3 community is of paramount importance. The release of MetaScan 1.4 marks yet another milestone in our journey to provide our users with advanced and reliable security solutions. With the integration of AI technology, superior scan engines, and unparalleled security analysis capabilities, we are confident that MetaScan 1.4 will deliver even more value to our users, enabling them to stay one step ahead of potential threats. We remain committed to providing top-notch security solutions through innovation and continuous development of new features that enhance the safety and security of the Web3 community.

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